Category Archives: Halloween

>REACT: Jesus Chirst! It’s Halloween.


Halloween has brought out another example of officials of the education industry out of control. Seems like 13-year-old Alex Woinski, of Paramus, New Jersey, attended his school’s Halloween dress-up day as the original Barack Obama — otherwise known as Jesus. Alex, whose mother is Catholic and father is Jewish, took advantage of his naturally long hair to work up a pretty credible Christ (right).

The principal of his West Brook Middle School, Joan Broe, ignored the usual collections of witches, Draculas, Batmans, and Jokers to persecute little Jesus by sending the lad home. She said the costume offended some of the other students – the number one bogus excuse for the political correctness Gestapo. You can see from the costume, young Alex was not mocking Christ or portraying him in any way that could be construed as offensive.

I once held a Halloween party where I dressed like the Pope. No one got offended except by my lame jokes … “What you like to drink? Popes Blue Ribbon.” Or “Excuse me … need to go to the bathroom and turn some wine into water.”

But I digress …

I hope Alex will bring down a plague of locusts on Ms. Broe’s organic garden. I bet she has one. To Principal Broe, I say “pox (not pax) on you.”

>OBSERVATION: Be a zealot for Halloween?

>As I look forward to the coming of Halloween, and selecting my hidden personality dress-up option, I suddenly realized that zealotry seems to be reflected through permanent fashion. I mean you can actually dress up for Halloween like some real people do every day.


Today’s left wing radicals are often seen wearing their best 1960s radical hippie attire. While once a modern subculture style, the Jesus look-alike hair styles and rumpled poverty-esque Raggedy Ann and Andy attire can now only be viewed as some sort of neolib costume. Less radical liberals have sustained the pre-WWII tweedy cum academic look of the early Communist sympathizers.

Then my mind drifted to more extreme examples of zeal-driven dress codes. Until recently, Catholic nuns and priests were going around in clothing designed during the Renaissance – the remnants (no pun intended) of which can still be seen among the more zealous religious orders. What did God have in mind to decide that devotion depended on the resistance of modern style from that point in time? Why the Renaissance?

Then I wondered. What did the God of the Amish liked so damn much about that late 1800s? And not only haute couture but every other modern development from the electric light to the automobile.

Of course, up popped the Muslims. Apparently Allah decided that the fashion of devotion stopped about the time of the Christ, in whom they do not even believe. Did you ever notice that a lot of the Middle East war photographs depict scenes that look like sets for a Cecil B. DeMille biblical movie? What is with these theological fashion time warps?

Then I realized that as a conservative, I have no symbolic attire – no historic look that instantly tells the world what I am. (Okay. Okay. I heard that. Neanderthal? Very funny, but not truly relevant.) I cannot think of any right wing sect that has maintained a fashion for more than a season as an expression of philosophy. There was a moment that the Gatsby look of the Roaring 20s might have had a chance, but no.

I am eternally appreciative that the 1970s were not the time of conservative zealotry. I shudder at the thought of being permanently attired in hip hugger bell-bottoms (Yeah, men had hip huggers, too.), Nehru jackets (which were a throwback themselves) and ruffled tuxedo shirts

Looking back was no help in selecting this year’s costume. In the past, I have been a pope, a rock singer, a Chinese emperor, Dracula (not my most creative year) and a bumble bee (that may have been). Some say that customs reveal a portion of the inner psyche. If that is true, I don’t even have a theory as to the meaning of the bumble bee.

Still undecided is this year’s costume. Hmmmm. I could go in drag, but then everyone would mistake me for Rudy Giuliani. I could dress up like a liberal. Now, that’s a scary idea. If I can come up with enough global warming one-liners, I could go as Al Gore. Like: “A newly discovered major cause of global warming is hot air emanating for Al Gore’s mouth.” Hey! Cut me some slack. This is still a developing thought.

Maybe I will just stay home, put on a grotesque mask and scare the crap out of little kids who come to my door. Teach them a valuable conservative lesson. There is no such thing as free candy.

>LMAO: Arianna Huffington sucks

>Arianna Huffington, the accented voice of the extreme left, has issued a pronouncement from her blog. She claims that it is now beyond any doubt that the Republican Party has been taken over by the right-wing “luntic fringe.” She refers to the Democratic leadership as the American “mainstream.”

Reading her words, I could not help but break out in uncontrolled laughter. I guess when you teeter on the very far left edge of the political spectrum, everything to your right looks a bit far out.

How does she explain that the approval rating of her darling Democratic leaders in Congress is lower than President Bush? At those levels, the Reid-Peolsi crowd must be losing the support of their immediate families.

Arianna fails to see the lunatics in her own party – probably for lack of a mirror. Or … maybe … hmmm … just may … her image does not reflect in a mirror. (Sorry. It must be the Halloween season that plunked that thought into my brain. Is it just me, however, or does the vampire photo I downloaded bear an uncanny resemblance?)

Though not often accurate, Arianna is amusing. Happy Halloween, Arianna. Did you think it was April Fool’s Day when you wrote your blog?

>OBSERVATION: Giuliani could be a drag on the ticket.

> As I was thinking about the chances of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani of becoming the Republican presidential nominee, I decided that there was one issue that would drag him down (pun intended). The photo says it all — and no, this is not a computer creation. This is the guy doing his best imitation of Mae West. Despite the growing acceptance for a woman President, I think Giuliani’s attempt to be all things to all people is over the edge. Hmmm? Maybe he could bring in the religions vote as well as the female vote by dressing up as a nun. Ya think? Memo to Rudy: When they told you to show your feminine side, this is NOT what they meant.