Category Archives: Reid

>LMAO: Arianna Huffington sucks

>Arianna Huffington, the accented voice of the extreme left, has issued a pronouncement from her blog. She claims that it is now beyond any doubt that the Republican Party has been taken over by the right-wing “luntic fringe.” She refers to the Democratic leadership as the American “mainstream.”

Reading her words, I could not help but break out in uncontrolled laughter. I guess when you teeter on the very far left edge of the political spectrum, everything to your right looks a bit far out.

How does she explain that the approval rating of her darling Democratic leaders in Congress is lower than President Bush? At those levels, the Reid-Peolsi crowd must be losing the support of their immediate families.

Arianna fails to see the lunatics in her own party – probably for lack of a mirror. Or … maybe … hmmm … just may … her image does not reflect in a mirror. (Sorry. It must be the Halloween season that plunked that thought into my brain. Is it just me, however, or does the vampire photo I downloaded bear an uncanny resemblance?)

Though not often accurate, Arianna is amusing. Happy Halloween, Arianna. Did you think it was April Fool’s Day when you wrote your blog?