Category Archives: white house chief-of-staff

>REACT: Rahm Emanuel — Beware of dog.

>Like all presidential candidates, President-elect Barack Obama promised to reach out to the opposition as a bipartisan leader. Well … his first appointment undermines any hope of that being the case. In picking Rahm Emanuel as his chief-of-staff, Obama has given the second most powerful post in Washington to a strident, brittle take-no-prisoners partisan Democrat. In canine terms, Emanuel has been described as a junk yard dog and a pit bull on steroids. The “yellow dog” Republicans and the “blue dog” Democrats will find themselves facing a fang-bearing “mad dog.” With David Axelrod already in the inner inner circle, the appointment of Emanuel will assure America an adminsitration run right out of the hard line Chicago machine play book. (See blog: The Chicago-izing of America).

Some good news … maybe? The same dogged deterimnation that will give the GOP fits in Washington, will also be felt by world leaders — which could benefit the United States on the international stage.

More good news? For those who feared (me included) that an Obama administration would tilt more toward the Arab positions in the Middle East, take heart. With a Jewish chief-of-staff (especially this one), and possibly Penny Pritzker in the Cabinet, Obama will have the interests of Israel well represented.